Top things patients need to know about Invisalign


Many patients who attend our dental surgery want to have 1 of 2 things; straighter teeth or whiter teeth, and, more often than not, they want both!

While we can offer both and are more than happy to discuss these changes, we feel it is worth putting an article out there that explains one of our most popular orthodontic treatments in a bit more depth; invisible aligners.

At The Dentists, we have been able to offer invisible aligners like Invisalign South Yarra for years now. As such, our dental team knows the ins and outs of invisible aligners in great detail and can discuss your suitability for them, as well as guide you through the process of using them.

With that in mind, Invisalign South Yarra is often different to what many people expect and so, in this article, we outline 5 things that we feel patients who are looking to undertake the aligners should know. So, read on to learn more!

Aligners aren’t for everyone

While our team at The Dentists wish that they could offer Invisalign South Yarra to everyone who asks for it, this is not always possible.

In most cases, aligners are only suitable for people who have mild to moderate dental misalignment, and so, if you have a complex case, you simply won’t benefit from having them fitted.

If this is you, we may recommend another orthodontic tool, such as a fitted brace, to help straighten your teeth.

Aligners take some getting used to!

It sounds simple enough; you put aligners in, and you take the aligners out when you need to. Not exactly complicated!

However, you need to make sure that you keep the aligners clean and that you wear them as needed; for about 22 hours per day. If you fail to wear them for this time period, then your teeth may revert to their previous positions. Not good!

They can warp

Aligners are made from a thin, malleable plastic, which stores within it enough pressure and force to move your teeth as needed.

But, having said that, it is still just plastic and can be warped by external forces. So, when cleaning your aligners, keep them away from hot or warm water, and always make sure you carry them in the provided cases that we give you. That way, they will remain safe and will not succumb to the external pressures of your bag or inner pockets.

You will need retainers

Once the aligners are off and your teeth are straighter, you will need to wear a retainer every night when you go to bed. This will help to hold your newly moved teeth in place and will prevent reversion.

Again, if you don’t wear the retainers, your teeth will likely move back (or try to move back) to their former positions, making the entire realignment process a waste of time and money.

We can help you pay for them!

Our team at The Dentists knows that money doesn’t fall from the sky. For our suitable patients, we can offer you 0% financing options to help you spread the cost of your aligners and fit them into your monthly budget.

All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.

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