The benefits of choosing Invisalign for teeth straightening


Thanks to advances in digital dental technology there are many different types of ways that you can straighten your teeth. You can have traditional fixed or metal braces that work for all types of orthodontic issues and are suitable for all patients. If you are looking for a more discreet yet fixed option you can find out about clear braces which swap metal brackets and wires for discreet components such as ceramic brackets and frosted wires, to match the shade of your natural teeth. If you are looking for an almost invisible method of straightening your teeth, but you need them to be fixed in your mouth, then you can also find out about lingual braces which are attached to the back surface of your teeth for complete discretion.

Teeth straightening can also be carried out using removable braces. Removable braces have become highly popular because not only are they discreet, but they are also very convenient. One of the most popular removable braces is Invisalign South Yarra. Invisalign uses clear aligners that are discreet and removable to straighten your teeth rather than fixed metal braces, but still produces highly pleasing aesthetic results.

If you want to straighten your teeth with Invisalign South Yarra then you need to undergo a thorough examination of your teeth and gums making sure that they are clean, healthy and free of any signs of decay or disease. Once our dentist is happy that it is safe to straighten your teeth then you will undergo an intraoral scan of your mouth. This scan helps us create a digital image of your teeth. The image shows us how your teeth look currently and lets us manipulate the image so that we can show you how your teeth will look after they have been straightened with Invisalign South Yarra. You can take your time to decide if you would like to proceed with the treatment and if so we will design and manufacture a set of aligners for you that will help you achieve these results.

Benefits of Invisalign

There are many benefits of Invisalign in comparison to other orthodontic treatments.

You can straighten your teeth comfortably and conveniently, removing the aligners as and when you need to. The aligners themselves are also easy to clean and maintain and they are numbered for your added convenience. If you lose an aligner you can use the previous one until you have a new aligner sent to you. However it is important that you adhere to the instructions for optimal results.

Invisalign takes approximately the same amount of time as traditional braces to straighten your teeth. However, most patients use Invisalign and clear aligner systems for mild or moderate orthodontic issues, and this means that you can straighten your teeth in an average of 12 to 18 months.

With Invisalign not only will you improve the alignment of your teeth and improve the appearance of your smile, but at the same time you will be able to enjoy better dental health as your teeth will become easier to clean and maintain. Speak to us at The Dentists today to find out more.


All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.

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