Simple teeth straightening with Invisalign


Among the many different methods of teeth straightening that have been introduced over the last few decades one of the most popular is Invisalign South Yarra. Invisalign South Yarra is very different to traditional orthodontic treatment in that it uses clear thermoplastic aligners to straighten your teeth rather than metal wires and brackets. It is able to correct most types of orthodontic issues including crooked, wonky teeth, protruding front teeth, overlapping teeth and overcrowded teeth. Invisalign can be used to close any gaps between the teeth and address bite disorders including crossbite, underbite and overbite. If you are suffering from any of these issues which are affecting the appearance of your smile and also your dental health, then you need to speak to us at The Dentists and find out about Invisalign South Yarra. With a success rate of more than 97%, Invisalign can help you achieve a beautiful smile, but also better dental health at the same time. You need to speak to us at The Dentists and book an appointment sooner rather than later.

To begin with we will carry out a thorough examination of your teeth and gums making sure that they are clean, healthy, strong and free of any signs of tooth decay or gum disease. If you are suffering from underlying dental health conditions then it is not safe to straighten your teeth right away. To begin with you may not achieve the results that you are looking for and more importantly you may cause more complications than you began with. We will put together a tailored treatment plan for you. Once we are happy that your teeth are healthy as well as disease free, then we can plan how to straighten them.

Invisalign aligners

If Invisalign is suitable for you then you will undergo an intraoral scan of your mouth. This scan is used to show you how your teeth can look after teeth straightening with Invisalign. If you are happy with the ‘before’ and ‘after’ transformation, then we use the results to design and manufacture a sequence of aligners that will help move your teeth into the predicted positions. These aligners are manufactured from a patented thermoplastic which is comfortable to wear yet exerts enough pressure on the teeth to move them by approximately 0.25 millimetres in two weeks. This means that they are strong and resilient, however it is important that you follow the guidelines so that the aligners are not damaged or lost, as they can take time to replace.

You will be provided with the full set of aligners at the beginning of the process. One of the advantages of Invisalign is that most of the process can be carried out in the comfort of your own home. You will have the initial fitting at our dental practice, however you can change your aligners by yourself. You are very welcome to visit us as often as you wish during the process, but we recommend that you do so after every three or four aligners so that we can make sure the process is coming along successfully. Speak to us at The Dentists today to find out more.


All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.

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