Five FAQs about Invisalign treatment answered


Do you want to get a straighter smile without the inconvenience of wearing a fitted brace? Have you ever heard of invisible aligners?

When you come to see our team at The Dentists, we will always be happy to discuss orthodontic treatment with you, including Invisalign South Yarra. This aligner has helped thousands of people to get the straighter smile that they want and can probably help you too!

So, want to learn more about Invisalign South Yarra? Here are five commonly searched FAQs, as well as queries that our team is asked about these aligners.

Do the aligners cause sensitivity?

This is an interesting question that our team is asked a lot, and it seems to have gained a lot of traction thanks to fake information online.

In the event that Invisalign South Yarra does cause sensitivity, you should contact our team.

The aligners are designed to gently move your teeth, which can cause some soreness in the short term. However, sensitivity to hot and cold beverages is not normal with aligners and should be investigated by our team.

Can they be used after braces?


In fact, many people who are using invisible aligners may have already undertaken braces at an earlier point in their life or may have recently had their braces off. Aligners can provide the final polish-up, so to speak, which can help you get the straighter smile you want, all while being discreet.

Are the aligners uncomfortable to wear?

For those who have never had braces before or even worn a retainer, it can take some getting used to; having to wear an aligner for 22 hours per day can seem daunting and may feel awkward at first.

However, as the aligners are made from thin plastic and are moulded to your teeth, discomfort should be short-lived. If you are experiencing excessive amounts of discomfort due to the plastic rubbing against your inner cheeks or your tongue, dental wax can be used to soften the area.

If there is excessive discomfort, talk to our team as soon as you can!

Are they expensive?

Many people presume that invisible aligners are exceedingly expensive.

And while you would need to have a bit of money to pay for them all at once, this is not what our team asks of our patients. We know that money doesn’t grow on trees, so we can offer our 0% financing options to suitable patients.

It’s also worth noting here that the prices on our website for aligners are a guide; your treatment may be higher or lower in cost and will vary based on the complexity of your case.

Are there any long-term risks?

The media, in recent months, has somewhat demonised aligners and brace treatment, putting out articles and vlogs on the mistruths relating to them.

However, in relation to orthodontic care in general, there are no long-term health risks, especially with something like an invisible aligner. Remember, the aligners push your teeth into position gently so there is minimal force.

All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.

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