Embracing Invisalign; a journey beyond traditional braces


Orthodontics has always been about more than just straightening teeth. It’s about improving oral health, boosting confidence, and enhancing smiles. But for a long time, the only option for achieving these goals was traditional metal braces. Whilst they are effective, they were often uncomfortable, conspicuous, and could impact the wearer’s confidence during treatment.

But orthodontics has evolved. We’re now in an era where we can offer our patients a more comfortable, discreet, and efficient solution: aligners. As a dental clinic that’s been offering Invisalign South Yarra since 2013, we’ve seen firsthand the benefits it brings to our patients.

The invisible aligner revolution

Invisalign South Yarra is a sophisticated tool that straightens teeth using a series of clear trays, or aligners. Unlike traditional braces, there are no metal wires or squares. Instead, we use special white buttons on some teeth to ensure accurate and quick teeth straightening. The aligners are virtually unnoticeable and can be easily removed for eating, drinking, and brushing your teeth.

However, for the treatment to be effective, it’s important that the aligner trays are worn for at least 20 hours daily. This might seem like a lot, but most of our patients find it easy to incorporate into their daily routines.

The straightening process: a collaborative approach

The journey to a perfect smile with clear aligners starts with a plan. This plan is designed to achieve the best alignment for your dental health and cosmetic goals. And you, our patient, play a crucial role in developing this plan.

Invisalign South Yarra is a tool, and like all tools, the outcome of treatment depends on how it’s used and who’s using it. That’s why we engage you in the decision-making process. Together, as a team, we work towards achieving the best possible result for you.

We use 3D imaging software and moulds of your teeth to design your custom series of aligners. This advanced technology allows you to view your treatment plan and the expected result before you even start. It’s like getting a sneak peek into your future smile!

Typically, patients change their aligners weekly and are reviewed at our clinic monthly. Small white buttons are usually placed on your teeth to ensure accurate and efficient movement. A course of treatment typically takes 6 to 12 months and is sometimes split into an initial phase and a refinement phase of aligners. As treatment progresses, we provide new aligners every few weeks until your desired results are accomplished.

What this means for you

The shift from traditional braces to invisible aligners is more than just a technological advancement. It’s a shift towards a more patient-centred approach to orthodontics. It means you can straighten your teeth without the discomfort and self-consciousness often associated with traditional braces. It means you can eat, drink, and maintain your oral hygiene routine without any major disruptions. And it means you can achieve your perfect smile in a way that fits seamlessly into your lifestyle.

At our clinic, we’re proud to be part of this evolution in orthodontic care. We’re committed to providing our patients with the best treatment options available, and we’re excited about what these aligners have to offer. So, if you’re considering orthodontic treatment, why not join us on this journey beyond traditional braces? Your perfect smile could be just an aligner treatment away.

DISCLAIMER – All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.

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