Dentist South Yarra, providing dental care for the whole family!


Over the years, we learn the importance of our teeth and, from an early age, we learn that we need to take care of them. The Dentists South Yarra has been providing dental care to patients since 2012 and have built up a good reputation among the local community. If you have children, you will know that you need to make sure that they develop an oral hygiene regime from a young age.

As a family dentist South Yarra, we encourage you to bring your children into our surgery with you when you come for any treatment. Bring them in from as early an age as you like; the idea is that they will become familiar with our friendly staff and the various sounds, smells, etc. of our dental surgery. This will help them to be comfortable and relaxed when it comes to their turn in the dental chair. Your early action will go a long way to ensuring that they don’t suffer from dental anxiety when they get older. We will support your efforts and educate your children about oral hygiene and how to brush and floss correctly. We will help with the selection of the correct toothbrush that best suits their teeth and gums.

Preventive dentistry rather than reactive dentistry

As with anything, if you don’t maintain it, its ability to perform the functions it is designed to perform will diminish. The same principle applies to your teeth! Early introduction of your children to our dentist South Yarra is an important step in the preservation of their teeth, but what about yours? For many years, patients only visited a dentist when there was a problem which, in many cases, was too late to save a tooth. At The Dentists South Yarra, we encourage a checkup once every six months to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Those visits will ensure that you won’t need to make use of our emergency dental service because you are suffering from excruciating toothache. If you do need emergency dentistry because of an accident or for any other reason, you can rest assured that The Dentists will take care of you.

Full range of general dental treatments

Our experienced dental team will take care of your general dental requirements, including extractions, root canal and white fillings. If you suffer from aching, clicking, or locking jaw problems we can design a night guard especially for you to help your jaw muscles relax.

Cosmetic dentistry treatments

Cosmetic dentistry is often mistaken for being a treatment that only enhances a patient’s aesthetic appearance. Some patients are born with misaligned teeth which makes them feel self-conscious when they smile. Misaligned teeth can also cause tooth decay and gum disease because it is difficult to brush and floss properly resulting in bacteria finding little pockets between the teeth and gums. Our smile makeover treatments include dental procedures which straighten your teeth, giving you confidence to smile and ensuring that you can maintain healthy teeth and gums. Veneers, bridges, dentures, and crowns all provide practical solutions to help your teeth perform properly while also looking and feeling good. We are able to offer a more permanent and stable solution to lost teeth in the form of dental implants. Our principal dentist South Yarra is proud of his experience in providing patients with prosthetic teeth that are colour matched and shaped to the colour and shape of existing teeth.

More than a dental surgery

Over more than a decade of dental care and advice, The Dentists South Yarra have proudly provided a level of service that has put a smile on our patient’s faces.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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