Dental implants South Yarra: let us replace what’s missing in your life


At The Dentists, we understand that losing teeth can be a very upsetting experience, and that this can take its toll on you, both physically and emotionally. It can make it difficult to consume food, to speak clearly, and to smile confidently. But there is good news: dental implants South Yarra can help you  to replace missing teeth and restore your smile in a comfortable and natural looking way; they even function like natural teeth too!

The problems of having missing teeth

Whether you have one or more missing teeth, problems can arise from this situation. You may experience difficulty with eating, for example, because missing teeth can make it difficult for you to chew your food properly. At worst, this could lead to you not eating a varied diet and experiencing nutritional issues. Another issue associated with having missing teeth is the fact that missing teeth can affect your speech, making it difficult for you to pronounce certain words clearly and to be understood properly. And, unfortunately, the problems don’t end there. Having missing teeth can also cause your face to look sunken and aged. A final issue could also be that missing teeth can lead to gum disease, which can damage the surrounding teeth and bone, causing further dental issues, if left untreated.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants South Yarra are a permanent tooth replacement option that is designed to look and feel like natural teeth. The metal screws are made of titanium, which is a strong and biocompatible material that bonds to your jawbone, so the screws will be firmly fixed in place. Dental implants consist of two parts: the titanium post that is surgically placed into your jawbone, and a crown, bridge or denture that is attached to the post. The crown is made of a material that matches your natural teeth, so it is virtually undetectable. Whether you have a crown, bridge or denture attached to the dental implants will depend on how many teeth you need to replace.

The advantages of dental implants

There are many advantages to choosing dental implants – the main one being that replacement teeth will be kept firmly in place by being attached to the dental implants that are embedded in the jawbone like artificial teeth roots. They should last a lifetime as long as you take care of them. Aftercare for dental implants simply involves brushing regularly, flossing, and coming to see us for your routine dental check ups. The dental implants should also look just like your natural teeth, so nobody should realise that you don’t have a completely natural smile and this could give you the confidence to shine, knowing that your teeth won’t loosen as you eat and talk. However, from a health perspective, it is perhaps most important that you are improving your overall oral health by preventing gum disease and bone loss.

Bespoke replacement teeth

At The Dentists, we offer bespoke replacement teeth that are custom-made to fit your individual needs. This means that your teeth will look and feel completely natural, and you can be confident that they will last for a lifetime.

Find out more

If you are considering dental implants, all you need to do is call The Dentists today to book in for a consultation with our friendly and professional team. We will be only too happy to answer any questions you have and to help you decide if dental implants are the right choice for you and we can replace what’s missing in your life.

All treatments carry risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.

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