Cosmetic dental treatment with our dentist South Yarra


There are many different treatments and procedures that are available to improve the appearance of your smile. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your teeth, then you need to speak to our dentist South Yarra and find out what is available for you. If you have healthy teeth and gums but the appearance of your teeth affect your smile, then you are an ideal candidate for cosmetic dental treatment with our dentist South Yarra. Our dentist South Yarra can carry out a smile assessment to identify which factors are affecting the appearance of your mouth, as well as listen to your personal concerns and which factors of your teeth affect you.

Teeth whitening

The most common cosmetic concern amongst the population here in Australia is yellow teeth and teeth staining. Our dentist South Yarra is able to offer in-office whitening or prescribe a home whitening kit depending on what you are looking for. If you are looking for an instant smile transformation then you can speak to our dentist South Yarra about in-office whitening. This involves teeth whitening session within 60 – 90 minutes; this procedure is ideal for those who have a special occasion or a big day coming up and want to impress others with their beautiful white smile. Our dentist South Yarra will apply a whitening gel consisting of hydrogen peroxide directly onto your teeth, activating it using UV light to enhance the bleaching process and break down stain molecules on the surface of your teeth.

Whitening your teeth can also be done in the comfort of your own home. Our dentist South Yarra will prescribe a home whitening kit which includes a whitening tray and a gel. The gel is inserted into the tray and then placed into your mouth; this stays in your mouth for a short period of time during the day, and a longer period of time at night so that it can work whilst you sleep. The whitening of your teeth is a procedure that takes place in the comfort of your own home takes an average of two weeks. Our dentist South Yarra will be able to help you decide which is the best choice for you. We use the POLA teeth whitening system to be able to cater for all your whitening needs.

Smile makeover

If you are looking for a greater transformation of your smile than our dentist South Yarra can recommend further treatments and procedures which will enhance the appearance of your Smile further. Our dentist South Yarra can replace metal fillings with white fillings, they can disguise the appearance of imperfections on the teeth using composite bonding or, if you are looking for a complete smile makeover, then you can speak to our dentist and find out about porcelain veneers.

By speaking to our dentist and undergoing a smile assessment, as well as a thorough examination of your teeth and gums, we will be able to put together an individually tailored smile makeover for you. This could be a single procedure such as porcelain veneers for disguising all the imperfections of your teeth or it could be made up of a combined set of treatments to create the optimal smile for you. Speak to us at The Dentists today to find out more.

All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.

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